This project is about Board & Batten Shutters…”The Right Way”. Our customer wanted a cypress shutter that would “Stand the Test of Time”…What he didn’t want was a couple of boards thrown together with a board nailed on top.
We will have a total of 34 shutters… 8 shutters 14 ¾” x 83”…6 shutters 14 ½” x 71”…12 shutters 17 ¾” x 71”…8 shutters 17 ½” x 71”.
Here is how we made them.
We started with 6/4 select cypress and milled our boards to 1-1/4” thickness. Next we cut our stave material (the individual boards that will make our panels) 4 ½” wide by 83” and 71” respectively…the height of our shutters. Each panel will have 4 to 5 staves depending on their width.
After all components were cut to size we ran a mortise & tenon joint the length of the individual staves.
We applied waterproof glue the length of the joints and assembled the panels. The panels were placed in a hydraulic press for 24 hours to allow the glue to cure.
After removing our panels from the press we planed them to a final thickness of 1-1/8”. Next we cut the panels to their finished size and began the v-groove process. We used a 90 degree conic bit and cut the “V” to a depth of ¼”.
To complete this project we glued & nailed a 4” wide horizontal control batten 6” from the top and bottom of each shutter.